How Scarring and Disfigurement Factor into an Injury Lawsuit

Suffering an injury in any type of accident can change your life. The most catastrophic of accidents can leave you permanently injured, scarred or disfigured. Scarring and disfigurement can factor greatly into your personal injury lawsuit, meaning that in a successful claim, you may receive more compensation for your injuries. If the injury you suffered left scars on visible parts of your body, such as your face or neck, the judge or jury will likely consider these more serious than scars that can be hidden by regular clothing.

Aside from the cosmetic difficulties of living with a permanent scar, scarring also impacts the body where the injury is located. For example, you can suffer from immobility in the impacted area. Victims of scarring might also experience emotional distress, psychological distress, and a lack of nerve sensitivity.

When someone suffers disfigurement in an accident, their life can be impacted in more ways than one, which must be taken into account when determining the amount of money awarded in a lawsuit. The stigma of disfigurement can prevent someone from pursuing relationships, living with strong self-esteem, making new friends and acquaintances, and enjoying recreational activities.

Compensation for scarring and disfigurement

Victims of scarring and disfigurement injuries caused by negligence are eligible for compensation for the following:

  • Medical appointments with doctors who treat the original injury
  • Costs associated with plastic or corrective surgery
  • Costs of seeing therapists and psychiatrists for dealing with the emotional and mental impact of the injuries
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages for time missed at work while recovering from your injuries
  • Lost wages for impairment to your earning capacity due to permanent disabilities

The amount of compensation for your injuries is determined by looking at various factors including, among others:

  • The body part with the scar or disfigurement
  • The depth, length, and severity of the injury
  • How your quality of life has changed since suffering the injury

Scarring and disfiguring catastrophic injuries can occur in just about any accident, including motor vehicle crashes, burn accidents, product malfunctions, falls, work accidents, and much more. If a doctor deems that your scars or disfigurement will impact your ability to work, care for your family, or negatively impact your quality of life for the foreseeable future, you will need financial security for as long as possible.

The after-effects of scarring and disfigurement on a catastrophic injury victim are vast. It’s important to work with attorneys who understand these types of injuries, as a properly-built case can lead to higher compensation awards. Contact the Charlotte offices of Warren & Kallianos, PLLC today to schedule a consultation. Call us at 704-377-7777 or complete a contact form at your convenience.



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